Most of the time guys spend a lot of time on social media to please the ladies. But Guys, some things you do things on
social media baffle and seriously
infuriate the ladies in your life. But you have a good reason not to worry coz today i got ur back.
Here, we reveal 5 of those seriouvs mistakes u make and give ways to salvage yourself.
1 . Ignoring Her
Online Existence.
Ladiea cannot stand when
guys are active on Twitter and
Facebook with their friends, but they
never acknowledge their girlfriend's
electronic existence. Electronic
displays of affection can really make
a girl feel special.
The Fix: Paw your way out of the dog
house by reminding your significant
other just how public social media is,
suggests Senning. “Explain that your
love life is something you like to keep
private, which is why you’re active
with your buddies on Facebook but
don’t post love notes to her wall.”
That reasoning should make sense to
2 .Posting Whiny
Infact this peases me off. Ladies hate when guys (or
anyone, really) complains all over
Twitter and Facebook. It's never a
good sign if a guy spends his time
being negative in such a public way.
The Fix: While it’s OK to share a gripe
from your workday once in a while,
it’s more alluring to women if you try
to connect with others by sharing
positive experiences and interests,
says Senning. Plus, posting about
your awesome safari
rather than your a-hole boss will
likely help you connect with women
who are into the same things. Over
time, as you continue to portray a
more positive attitude online, the
ladies will likely forget that you were
once such a Debbie Downer.
3. Staging a
Disappearing Act
The Complaint: "The worst is when
there's just no response to a tweet or
a Facebook message. Its 2014, so he
definitely saw it. Why can't he just
take a second to respond?"
The Fix: “Not responding sends the
message that you’re not interested
and she should stop reaching out,”
says Senning. If that’s your intention,
fine, she will eventually get the hint.
But if that’s not the case, you need to
manage expectations or she’s going to
get pissed. Saying something like
"Facebook was taking over my life so
I’m trying not to log on as often. I
apologize in advance if I don’t respond
as much as I used to" can do major
damage control, explains Senning.
4. Revealing More
on the Web Than
You Do In Real
The Fix: “Sharing big news with your
significant other sends the message
that she is part of your inner circle,
which makes her feel special, explain
Senning. "Keeping her in the dark
creates tension and can be perceived
as rude." Apologize for not telling her
your news firsthand, vow to never let
it happen again, and follow through.
This helps build intimacy and will
ultimately help her to forgive your bad
judgment call.
5. Taking Too Many
She cannot stand those
shirtless Instagram selfies that guys
take in their fluorescent-lit bathrooms.
Is that supposed to entice me?
Because it doesn’t.
The Fix: There’s no need to delete
your old photos, but moving forward
only post selfies that tell a story,
advises Senning. Finally beat your
personal squat-weight record? Write
that as your caption so it doesn’t
seem like you're posting a gym selfie
to just show off your muscles.
Providing some context helps you
look less self-indulgent, adds